RAD Studio XE = Delphi XE, C++Builder XE, Delphi Prism XE and RadPHP XE

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Developer community today we start the RAD Studio XE Sneak Previews, which includes Delphi XE, C++Builder XE, Delphi Prism XE and RadPHP XE, new names, new tools, new features, and a lot of high productivity in RAD Studio XE.

XE in few words means:

  • Heterogeneous database support with no additional cost
  • ToolCloud enable which will help you to management and distribute our Tools in your organization
  • Easy way to upgrade do All-Access XE and get access for all Embarcadero database and developer Tools

But, now let’s talk about some of the great features in RAD Studio XE.

  • Powerful integration with Subversion in Delphi XE, C++Builder XE and Delphi Prism XE.
  • Beyond Compare integrated into the RAD Studio environment is that it really gives you a rich interface for comparing files and understanding the differences that happen between versions of files
  • RadPHP (formerly Delphi for PHP) completed redesigned including a lot of new features in the IDE, debugger, source code editor, new VCL components and more. Also RadPHP enable developers to create a Facebook Application in a very easy way, you will see some videos soon about that.
  • Generate Sequence Diagrams helping you understand your Delphi code

There are much more, watch the first RAD Studio XE Sneak Preview.

Visit the RAD Studio Sneak Preview page and stay tuned!!!

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21 replies
  1. Atle
    Atle says:

    Would have been nice if the preview file worked..

    And do you have any interesting new features?

    Why do you use time on integrating subversion, there are many wizards doing that already, and we can make our own if we want. And why include BeyondCompare? Please focus on what we cannot do. Work on VCL and the Compiler…

    Please clean up VCL and add 64 bit compiler support..

  2. Andreano Lanusse
    Andreano Lanusse says:

    Hello Atle,

    Subversion is a great feature and will help developers to use version control integrated in the IDE, BeyondCompare complement the solution. We are focus on make Delphi better, just look our RoadMap and you will see 64 bit compiler support soon.

  3. ivan
    ivan says:

    But on the roadmap there is Mac support for this version (Fulcrum). Why there’s no such thing on the preview?

    How is Embarcadero going to follow their roadmap if there’s no Fulcrum this year whereas the deadline of the 64bit preview is q1 2011?

    I’m very, very dissapointed.

  4. Jose Walter
    Jose Walter says:

    O Delphi é uma IDE para aplicações desktop, e expectativa é o RadPHP também seja uma ferramenta para também criação de aplicações corporativas web, mas pelo que estou vendo pode continuar sofrendo do problema de identidade, não sendo uma ferramenta suficientemente boa para aplicações nem será uma ferramenta boa para criação de sites e portais.

    PHP vem evoluindo muito em OO para ser uma opção ao java e ao .NET para a criação de aplicações web, esperamos que agora acertem a mão, senão continuará sendo um fiasco.

  5. Andreano Lanusse
    Andreano Lanusse says:

    Jose tenho que descordar, não existe problema de identidade com o RadPHP, a ferramenta é para desenvolvimento Web com PHP, seja portal, sites, etc.

    PHP vem evoluindo, mas está longe de ter os recursos de linguagem como Delphi, C# ou Java, pelo simples fato de ser uma linguagem dinâmica para Web. Neste caso temo que comparar maça com maça.

    Além disso, a VCL for PHP desde sua primeira versão utiliza OO.

  6. Jose Walter
    Jose Walter says:

    Delphi é para desenvolvimento desktop, para ter bons recursos web tem que se integrar com .NET.
    C# é proprietário e caro, além de ser copia alterada do java.
    Para se ter sistemas de qualidade em Java é preciso alto investimento em bons profissionais, qualificados nos melhores frameworks.

    Neste cenário o PHP se torna uma solução viável para pequenas e médias empresas. PHP hoje é mais do que uma linguagem dinâmica para web. recursos OO, patterns, ótimos frameworks como Cake e zend, ótimos projetos open source como SugarCRM, Vtiger, Fengoffice, Joomla, Magento dentre outros só afirmam o crescimento do PHP para aplicações corporativas e portais.

    Penso que o nível e a qualidade desta nova versão chamada RADPHP mostrará o quanto a Embarcadero acredita no potencial do PHP como uma boa solução para aplicações web. Mas o lançamento de uma nova versão jé é um bom começo, a comunidade que acreditou nem tinha mais esperanças disto.

  7. thejhorse
    thejhorse says:

    The fall of Delphi.
    I love to Delphi in the past, and I love even, I think it’s a great language, but every day, my heart is broken by having to use VS2008, Java, for my projects. Soon I will have to decide which tool to use in the company where I work, and the pain of my heart will choose VS.

    Where is the 64bits, crossplataform, etc etc..?

    I expected something more than embarcadero. TT_TT

    • Andreano Lanusse
      Andreano Lanusse says:

      Hi thejhorse,

      We are working in 64bit, don’t worry we will have that soon. Today in DelphiLive we will a preview and we are working hard to have the compiler, RTL and VCL ready for 64 bits.

      Sorry for our delay, and again we are working hard to delivery that soon as possible.

  8. Pieter Viljoen
    Pieter Viljoen says:

    I have been asking for a 64bit cross platform compiler, with a cleaned up VCL since 2003.

    XE seems like more soft shoe shuffling.
    Until then I remain hopeful .. but ..

  9. slf
    slf says:

    Oh and you mentioned:
    – Heterogeneous database support with no additional cost

    You mean you now support distributed transactions? Or is this another empty wording?

    • Andreano Lanusse
      Andreano Lanusse says:


      Heterogeneous database support means all major database supported in our tools without cost per database plataform, today you can do MySQL, InterBase, Firebird, SQL Server, Sybase, Oracle and DB2 with the XE products.

  10. Mike Mira
    Mike Mira says:

    Today, so many people are buying 64 bits OS, and they are claiming get many of ours applications on this platform.
    Please , Andreano , Can you give us an approximated date for see the 64 bits compiler released?

    • Andreano Lanusse
      Andreano Lanusse says:

      Hi Mike,

      Your application can run in 64bits today, but we know if you need to implement or use some specific aspects of 64bits you will need this support in our compiler. We are working on that and will delivery soon as possible. We published our RoadMap last month and we look to get this done next year.

  11. slf
    slf says:

    Andreano sorry, I know you mean well and all with the promotion of the IDE enhancements.

    But you have to understand that developers don’t really care so much about the IDE features. I still see posts that developers are perfectly happy with outdated D7 IDE. Developers are running away from Delphi not because of the features lacking in IDE, but the core features missing. And then delivering them too late when people already choose a different (better?) alternative. Delphi needs to deliver important features and stop lying and misleading people using phony roadmaps.

    Honestly I would trade ALL the IDE features in Delphi for a 64 bit compiler, distributed transaction or WS-Security support. How can I sell to our clients subversion integrated into an IDE (and that’s only subversion that you are supporting), or database support in IDE, or comparison tool integrated into IDE.

  12. Alexandre
    Alexandre says:

    Andreano, grato por sua resposta relativa ao suporte ao driver nativo do DBExpress para FireBird. Sinceramente eu fiquei decepcionado com a Embarcadero. Sou usuário registrado do CBuilder XE Professional e esperava que a versão professional tivesse suporte ao driver nativo do Firebird. Andreano, instalei o FireBird 2.5 na minha máquina e caso eu encontre um Driver de terceiros para usar com essa versão do FireBird, como faço para que uma conexão do FireBird apareça no DataExplorer? Sei que tem o arquivo ini chamado dbxconecctions. Mas como faço para editá-lo no sentido de adicionar uma entrada para uma conexão FireBird? Se você conhecer alguma fonte que explique isso pode indicar que fico muito grato.
    Muito obrigado

    • Andreano Lanusse
      Andreano Lanusse says:

      Oi Alexandre,

      Desenvolvimento com conexão remota com dbExpress sempre esteve na versão Enterprise, a Professional é somente local.

      Se você usar um driver de terceiros o fornecedor irá lhe passar as configurações a serem adicionadas ao dbxdrivers.ini e dbxconnections.ini, com isso você poderá acessar através do Data Explorer.


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  1. […] 7. RAD Studio XE = Delphi XE, C++Builder XE, Delphi Prism XE and RadPHP XE 2011, C++Builder XE, Delphi, Delphi Prism XE, Delphi XE, Embarcadero, Productivity Enhancements, RAD Studio, RadPHP XE, XE […]

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