RAD Studio XE2 a new era for Delphi and C++Builder Developers

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RAD Studio XE2 is coming and together comes the XE2 release for Delphi, C++Builder, RadPHP and Prism, in order to show all of the great features coming, this week we are starting the RAD Studio XE2 World Tour, you can check the list of countries part of the World Tour and make your registration.

This release represents a new era for Delphi and C++Builder developers, there are lot of new stuffs on this release and we will show all of them during the RAD Studio XE Tour, in the mean time I would like to highlight some of them:

[ilink style=”tick”]New Delphi for 64-bit Windows and full VCL/RTL support[/ilink]
[ilink style=”tick”]Full monitoring and controlling of DataSnap connections[/ilink]
[ilink style=”tick”]LiveBinding, the new mechanism for binding any type of data[/ilink]
[ilink style=”tick”]dbExpress ODBC driver[/ilink]
[ilink style=”tick”]Cloud API support for Amazon S3[/ilink]
[ilink style=”tick”]VCL Styles to modernize the look and feel of VCL applications[/ilink]
[ilink style=”tick”]FireMonkey the new platform for NATIVE software development[/ilink]

FireMonkey is a big step forward, it opens a whole new market for Delphi and C++Builder developers, allowing to offer their current applications on Mac, develop new products and at the end deploy their applications through App Store reaching millions of end users. The power of FireMonkey will distinguish your applications from any other.

Much more to come, stay tuned to this blog, other Embarcadero blogs and our Embarcadero website throughout this month for more information.

[button link=”http://www.embarcadero.com/world-tour” size=”large” style=”note” color=”red” border=”white” text=”light” window=”yes”]Register today for the RAD Studio XE2 World Tour[/button]

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7 replies
  1. François
    François says:

    The “Highlight” bullet points are almost unreadable, being medium grey on a dark grey background.
    I had to select them to get a better white on blue contrast.
    Highlight implies more visible, not less 😉


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  1. […] Delphi XE2 is announced and it surely looks like a very interesting release (and probably with some nasty bugs as well, we’ll see)… […]

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