700 Delphi Developers at Delphi Conference Brazil

Let's share the knowledge with your friends

We are so excited here in Brazil at Delphi Conference 2011, around 700 Delphi Developers learning about all the great stuffs in Delphi.

David, Jim and I are here at the Conference talking with customers, community members and our partners.

Let's share the knowledge with your friends
8 replies
  1. Lachlan Gemmell
    Lachlan Gemmell says:

    Looking closely at that photo I’m even more impressed that there appears to be a pretty even mix of grey beards and young guns in the room.

    That’s the problem we have at our Delphi events in Australia, not enough young Delphi developers.

  2. Andreano Lanusse
    Andreano Lanusse says:

    Yep guys, a lot of young developers here in Brazil and this conference was the best one we ever made.

    Our community is really strong and always support Delphi, it helps to make Delphi strong. We have lot’s of countries on the same situation like Brazil, for countries where you guys mention it’s our job to help to grown.

    FireMonkey is a big step forward and it will help to grown our community.

    About Delphi Live comments, it did happen in the middle of our RAD Studio XE2 World Tour, where the number of attendees in USA was great in every single city, where many developers wait for us to come to their cities instead to flight to San Jose.

  3. Matheus Eduardo Pissolato
    Matheus Eduardo Pissolato says:

    Hello all,
    It really was fantastic Delphi Conference 2011, I have only to thank you all for this magnificent event.
    Andreano will be available as downloadable files shown in the lectures?

    thank you

  4. zbylo
    zbylo says:

    @Andreano Lanussesays:

    “We have lot’s of countries on the same situation like Brazil”. You mean situation about your pricing politic? 😉

  5. Peter
    Peter says:

    Top loaders of FastMM (last year period) are China, Russia, Germany and Brazil. That reflects the Delphi “distribution”.


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