Delphi XE5 Update 2 – many bug fixes on FireMonkey for iOS, Android and compiler
Another update available for Delphi XE5 and C++Builder XE5, the…

Delphi XE5 Update 1 – fixes for serious issues on ClientDataSet
The Update 1 for Delphi XE5 and C++Builder XE5 has been released.

Delphi Developers’ plan for mobile, desktop and n-tier development
Early this year I did a developer survey through my blog. I got…

Macs compatible with OS X Mavericks
Apple just announced OS X Mavericks and it brings some cool new…

Android Studio preview – The new Google IDE is out
Last week at Google I/O, Google announced the Android Studio,…

What’s new in Delphi XE4?
This time you didn't have to way a full year to see a new Delphi…

Delphi XE4 official announcement coming
In general you expect a new version of Delphi around August,…

What does AnyDAC acquisition by Embarcadero mean for Delphi and C++Builder Developers?
Finally the day has come, Embarcadero acquired AnyDAC and there…

Update 2 for Delphi XE3 and C++Builder XE3
Update 2 for Delphi XE3 and C++Builder XE3 is available, the…

Android findViewById vs @InjectView
When developing Android apps to obtain a reference of view objects…