Update 4 for Delphi XE2 and C++Builder XE2 is now available

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Another update for Delphi XE2 and C++Builder XE2, this time Update 4 and it requires uninstalling your existing RAD Studio product before installing the update.

You can obtain this update in any of the following three ways:

You can see all the changes and enhancements related to this release here.

Two important features I would like to highlight: Mac print support using the FireMonkey Printing API and now DataSnap Mobile Connector generate proxy for FreePascal.

You can download the Delphi XE2 and C++Builder XE2 ISO with Update 4 here.

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8 replies
  1. Herbert Sauro
    Herbert Sauro says:

    Here is a fix for the fuzzy fonts, reported by Alessandro Savoiardo, I can confirm it works.

    Unofficial fix:

    Copy into project “FMX.Canvas.GDIP.pas. change line 738:

    TextRenderingDefault = TextRenderingHintAntiAlias;

    TextRenderingDefault = TextRenderingHintSystemDefault

    Copy from {$I FMX.Defines.inc} IFDEF code list.

    Rebuild project for restore old font mode (and old my bug)

    Alessandro Savoiardo

  2. Bruce McGee
    Bruce McGee says:

    I was subtly hinting that Embarcadero might want to update the release notes. It’s supposed to be a feature, non an Easter egg.


  3. LDS
    LDS says:

    Where’s the update? I can see only the update ISO. Or does it mean we have to **fully uninstall** the product and reinstall it? Is so, please call it XE 2 ***BETA 4***

    I do not expect to be forced to uninstall the product and reinstall it to “update” it.

    BTW: a colleague of mine just tried the automatic update, it failed and now it has no Delphi XE 2 installed… great “experience”.

    I really can’t understand why Delphi updates can’t update “in place” and attempt to uninstall everything. Looks to me those in charge of it are unable to design a decent solution.

  4. Herbert Sauro
    Herbert Sauro says:

    “As mentioned here and in the release notes; Yes, update 4 requires an uninstall and reinstall.”

    It does, but its fairly trivial because the installer remembers all your installed components and settings which means you only have to install Delphi itself. I found it fairly painless.


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