Novell released Mono 2.8 with .NET 4 support

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Novell announced today a major upgrade to the Mono developer platform – Mono 2.8, which includes new features, stability fixes, performance work and bug fixes.

During the follow weeks I will update my Ubuntu VM and Windows 7 with this version, and of course update my Delphi Prism projects.

The highlights of this release include:

  • C# 4.0
  • Defaults to the 4.0 profile
  • New Generational Garbage Collector
    • Use mono --gc=sgen or mono-sgen to use Mono with the new GC
  • New Frameworks from Mono MIT X11 and Microsoft MS-PL/Apache2:
    • ASP.NET 4.0
    • Parallel Framework: including PLINQ.
    • System.XAML
    • System.Dynamic
    • Managed Extensibility Framework
    • ASP.NET MVC 2
    • System.Data.Services.Client (OData client framework)
    • WCF Routing
    • .NET 4.0’s CodeContracts
  • Performance:
    • Large performance improvements
    • LLVM support has graduated to stable
      • Use mono-llvm command to run your server loads with the LLVM backend
  • Version 2.0 of the embedding API
  • Removed the 1.1 profile and various deprecated libraries.
  • OpenBSD support integrated
  • Mono no longer depends on GLIB
  • Threadpool exception behavior .NET 2.0

For the full details, check our detailed Mono 2.8 Release Notes

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