Delphi XE3, C++Builder XE3, Prism XE3 and HTML5 Builder is coming!!!
Embarcadero just announced RAD Studio XE3 World Tour, which…

Using iOS MapKit and CoreLocation with Delphi Prism and MonoTouch
The iPhone Maps application is one of the most useful app for…

DataSnap videos for 2011 – what would you like to see?
I am preparing a series of DataSnap videos for 2011 and I would…

Video: Building .NET based applications for Linux and iPhone with Mono and Monotouch
If you didn't have a chance to watch my CodeRage 5 session "Building…

New iPhone/iPad Project and File Templates for Delphi Prism
Yesterday our partner RemObjects released a add-in for Delphi…

CodeRage 5 – Build .NET applications for iPhone and Linux with Delphi Prism
Today I will be at CodeRage presenting "Building Managed Code…

Don’t worry you can write Delphi Prism applications for iPhone/iPad
Many of you didn't want to take the risk to write iOS applications…

Available now the new Delphi XE, C++Builder XE, Delphi Prism XE and RadPHP XE
It is time to start looking the new RAD Studio XE which includes…

DataSnap XE and Windows Azure – RAD Studio XE Preview #3
One of the great news around RAD Studio XE is the Cloud support,…

Agile Development = Delphi XE + C++Builder XE + Delphi Prism XE + RadPHP XE
Today we published the second RAD Studio XE Preview video, which…