Delphi Third Party Alliance and Delphi XE3 EULA reverted
Delphi Third Party Alliance
I just got an invitation to join a Facebook group called “Delphi Third Party Alliance”, based on the group description the goal is “promote a healthy Delphi Third Party ecosystem and user community”. I like this idea, there are some many components out there and this group can be a good way to share what is available with the Delphi Community.
The group is administrated by several third party vendors, it’s an open group and I think anyone can join, check the link
Third parties are joining forces.
Delphi XE3 EULA reverted
Embarcadero just notify their Technology Partners about the final EULA for XE3, they reverted the decision that would affect new users for develop Client/Server applications with Delphi Pro.
See below the communication sent by Embarcadero to their Technology Partners, also the new EULA details.
We now have a final license agreement. There should be nothing in the final EULA – when it is truly finalized in the RTM version – that should cause any problems for partners or our customers. The license (EULA) is basically similar to the XE2 file. The EULA (which is included with every shipping product) will become “final” when the we sign off the release to manufacturing build. We have included portions of the final EULA below. Note that any Professional edition restrictions still included are only related only to the use of “dbExpress” technology and do not restrict the use of technolgy partner or other 3rd party client/server or multi-tier technologies by Professional edition customers.
In the event Licensee has obtained a Starter Edition license the following terms hereby apply. Licensee may use the Product to develop software for which Licensee does not charge directly or indirectly a fee or receive other consideration including but not limited a license fee, a service fee, a development fee, a consulting fee, a subscription fee, a support fee, a hosting fee or the like and (ii) for which Licensee only charges fees (including but not limited a license fee, a service fee, a development fee, a consulting fee, a subscription fee, a support fee, a hosting fee or the like) that cumulatively, on an annual basis, do not exceed USD$1000. In the event any (for profit or non-profit) company elects to license the software then
the total company revenues may not exceed USD$1000 and (ii) the total number of Starter Edition licenses deployed may not exceed 5.
In the event Licensee has obtained an educational license the following terms apply. Licensee may exercise Licensee’s rights under this Agreement to use the Product and to create Works solely for Licensee’s own personal use in providing or receiving instruction within the limited scope of guided computer programming and/or software training courses in which Licensee are a direct and personal participant, either as student or instructor (“Courses”). Licensee may only reproduce, distribute and use Works, in source or object code form, to other participants of the Courses and then only for educational or training purposes. Licensee may not use the Products or Works created with the products for any commercial, business, governmental or institutional purpose of any kind, except to the extent Licensee are an instructor teaching a Course. All rights not specifically granted to Licensee herein are retained by Licensor.
In the event Licensee has obtained a RAD Studio, Delphi or C++Builder Professional, or Professional Academic product license then the following terms apply.
Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Licensor grants to Licensee as the licensed user of the Product the limited right to use that portion of the Product identified as “dbExpress”, in executable form only, to access a local database installed on the same machine as the Work. Licensee may not use that portion of the Product identified as “dbExpress” in association with a database located on a different machine other than the machine on which the Works are installed.
If licensee has purchased a Client/Server Pack, the Licensee of RAD Studio, Delphi, or C++Builder XE3 Professional Edition (“Product”) may deploy that portion of the Product identified as “dbExpress” and dbExpress enterprise database drivers, in executable form only, to enable client server database access. Embarcadero may deliver the Product identified as “Enterprise,” however Licensee is licensed to use only the “Professional” edition features plus “dbExpress” and the Enterprise dbExpress database drivers in a client/server configuration. Licensee may evaluate the n-Tier DataSnap functionality included in the Enterprise Product delivered, but may not deploy or redistribute DataSnap.
Great News !!! Thanks Andreano .. Thanks Embarcadero
I do not write components, but I have a couple of really good ideas. Would it be possible for us mere application developers to request a component to be developed?
It might even be worth it to make a Delphi-specific KickStarter program.